The device which opens a new dimension in rehabilitation, training, and everyday life of the horses. It is the first EMS equipment for horses which can stimulate all muscle groups in the boxes as well as on the walking machine – not to forget that more horses can be treated with the therapy at the same time. For the first time in the world with this device horses have the possibility to arrive to the races without suffering from muscle stiffness as they can be treated in the horse transport truck as well..
When does it worth using and what is that electro muscle stimulation (EMS) device which was developed for horses by us?
for muscle regeneration, to relieve muscle pain
Heat is produced by muscle stimulation which accelerates blood circulation in the specific area thus helping to remove excreta. The EMS might help horses minimise muscle stiffness, convulsions and general peripherical fatigue also, prevents and restores pain due to muscle and/or other pain.
for healing muscle injuries
The increased circulation promotes the transport of nutrients to the damaged parts, thus accelerating the recovery of muscle fibres.
for strengthening weak muscles
(during rehabilitation in case of muscular dystrophy) muscle contraction is the same as if we are strengthening a specific muscle group EMS could be an ideal alternative if natural movements are not possible. For example, when limbs/extremities shall be rested resulting from surgery or for a periodic boxing calm recommended for a horse. In these cases, the electronic muscle stimulation can be used safely. Even though, joints aren’t burdened, it can train the muscles around it without losing from their mass. This way rehabilitation accelerates as there is no need for extra time to restore muscle mass.
enhancing performance
Electrical muscle stimulation can produce stronger and clearer contractions than the horse can voluntarily. It is extremely important to mention that with this device we can train the fast or slow muscle-fibres purposefully as they are activated in different frequencies. With a method we have already known from physiotherapy for decades we can achieve a positive effect; as known, ever living creature, horses are also asymmetrical, which can lead to injuries and refusal. Asymmetry can only be corrected and possibly eliminated with perfect symmetry - like the way of technology the blanket works. Many injuries are originating from dystonia - and it originates from muscle pain or muscle stiffness that are unexplored, as we are treating just the specific muscle or joint locally… however, by using the electric muscle stimulation not just that muscle or muscle group could be treated which is the final pain source, but we can treat from the dystonia caused muscle pain.
Mostly the EMS can be used for preventing muscle mass reduction (atrophy), keeping, and increasing muscle force, for stiffened muscles relaxation and helping muscle injuries recovery. technology the blanket works.
During the traditional “work, training” the horse’s muscles can reach a limit, but the brain always has supplies, so it doesn’t let traction for all muscle-fibres. With the muscle stimulation we can bypass this brain limit, this way the chosen muscle’s traction is going to be “clearer”, more muscle-fibres are activated and creates a stronger contraction. Thanks to this, the stimulated muscle improves, relaxes, and rehabilitates faster, than the not treated muscle.
We can be extremely precise with the right setting of the stimulation impulse! We can “decide” whether we would like to improve muscle force, strength, acceleration and with the right setting of the impulse we can reach our goal! Beside this, it accelerates in a surprisingly effective way, also helps preventing muscle injuries, muscle stiffness and rehabilitation as well.
The muscle stimulation usually induces isometric traction, which means that the length of the muscle doesn’t change. The muscle tension significantly increases so a strong and effective traction happens. The advantage is that no displacement occurs the joint! Muscle can be strengthened without over pressuring the joint - its role is crucial in preventing, injury treating and rehabilitation.
How does the electric muscle stimulator work?
As a result of the outer (through the skin), low strength, electric impulse muscle contraction occurs, followed by muscle-flaccidity. The impulses are made by a device which is delivered to the body through electrodes adhering to the skin. These impulses mimic the action potential from the central nervous system, so the muscles contract as if the information had been delivered to them by the brain. The only difference is that this method bypasses the body’s energy saving system, so it doesn’t limit the percentage of activated fibres. This is why the EMS can activate muscle fibres in larger quantities – against the stimulus sent by the brain. Another reason why the EMS should be used as an adjunctive therapy because it promotes the learning process of the brain. The brain needs approximately 10.000 recurrence to learn how to perform a given movement as quickly and efficiently as possible. Thus, this can also be accelerated by potentially repeated contractions of the device.
In which cases is it PROHIBITED to use the muscle stimulation?
· in case of any skin disease (e.g., skin fungus)
· open wound
· fresh surgical scar
· in case of viral or bacterial infections
· bitterness
· skin intolerance
· gestation
· for foals under 2 years old
Who do we recommend it for?
· for horses with high muscular strength (e.g., galloping, show jumping, dressage horses or carriage horses)
· for stiff horses
· for problems due to neck stiffness
· in case of colic, since the accelerated metabolic processes and “muscle work” have a particularly good effect on the given condition.
· in case of oedema (swelling)